Homeopathic Remedies for a Sore Throat

Health food stores tend to have a variety of homeopathic remedies for different ailments.

Homeopathy is yet another field where some people seem to have great success, and other people have no result at all.  Many homeopathic remedies are based on the “law of infinitesimals” which basically states that the stronger something is diluted, the more powerful it is.  Many homeopathic remedies are diluted so much that they no longer contain any molecules of the original active ingredient.

Some people will say this directly disproves them, that they cannot work because there is not even a single molecule of active ingredient left in them, while other people claim that due to other factors that may not be fully understood, the medicine retains the “essence” of the active ingredient and is therefore effective.

Regardless, if homeopathic medicine can cure your sore throat, then that’s great!  And if not, you may wish to try something else.